Water: Resource Augmenation, Management & Policies

Malayala Manorama s water conservation campaign solves water woes of drought plagued Keralities

This manual is a comprehensive documentation of localised community-level approaches in urban wastewater management. Besides providing an overview of eco-sanitation and decentralised wastewater treatment technologies, it also captures the emerging trends in this sector.

Chennai, crippled by water crisis, is also a metaphor for what Indian cities are experiencing in sourcing and managing the most precious natural resource: water. An in depth analysis

Mismanagement spells doom for water sources of Kolkata

What about the sewage that makes Kovalam beach stink?

Indore banks solely on rainwater harvesting, lands in a hole

local ngos have asked G Prakash, district collector of Tamil Nadu's Kanyakumari district, to explain his statement on the Koodankulam nuclear plant. The Tamil evening daily, Tamil Murasu, on October 10, 2006, quoted Prakash's denial of a plan to provide water to the Rs 13,000-crore project from the Pechipparai dam.

Soft drinks company held for contaminating groundwater

At Nacka nature school in Sweden
