Tourism contributes to about 5% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, and the most common greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), is emitted through goods and services related to tourism.

A laboratory investigation was conducted to evaluate Campbell soil water retention model parameters, viz., pore size distribution index, notional air entry potential and saturation moisture and to develop pedotransfer functions for the soils of Central Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam.

Climate is a major driver of forest species distributions and the growth rate and structure of forests. Thus, climate change can potentially have significant effects on mountain forest hydrology, particularly the amount of water available downstream. However, many other factors influence forest biomass and mountain hydrology, and climate change effects cannot be viewed in isolation from previous land use histories (i.e. forest legacies), altered disturbance regimes (e.g. fire frequency, insect outbreaks, floods) and invasive species.