As timber concessions in Central Africa open remote areas to hunting activities, methods for monitoring and measuring wildlife populations bear review.

A rich experience in ground-based inventory provides a solid basis for a multi-method approach to measuring forest degradation.

In the absence of historical field data, developing countries can rely on consistent current ground data and remote sensing assessments.

Examples from Cameroon and other countries highlight the capacity of non-wood forest products to provide employment, income and sustenance in times of crisis


A moderate increase in funds allocated to forestry under India

In those South American countries where forest plantations are important or have potential for development, investment in them is one option for creating jobs.

Targeted public investment in forestry could generate about 10 million new jobs around the world.

A survey of rural communities in the Offin river basin suggests the value of blending traditional and scientific knowledge in strategies for coping with climate change and variability.

Protected areas are even more important for biodiversity conservation and human livelihoods in a world with a changing climate.
