Rabi Rashmi Abasan (meaning a solar housing complex), India's first solar housing complex has been conceieved by WBREDA (West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency) and is located at New Town Kolkata and spread over an area of 1.76 acres. Each house owner within the complex will produce his own power for domestic use and feed any surplus power into the local grid.

A hybrid plant combines wind, solar and hybrid power conditioning unit with a battery to supply electricity to remote areas.

The conventional grid-based electricity has not been able to reach many remote rural areas and small settlements.

Fuel cells are an important enabling technology for the hydrogen economy and have the potential to revolutionize the way we power our nation, offering cleaner, more-efficient alternatives to the combu

Fuel cells are an important enabling technology for the hydrogen economy and have the potential to revolutionize the way we power our nation, offering cleaner, more-efficient alternatives to the combu

The radiations from the sun can be converted into electrical energy using devices like solar cells.

The Jatropha curcas oil with free fatty acid (FFA) content of 8.81 per cent was subjected to acid pretreatment prior to transesterification during the experiment. The oil was pretreated using sulphuric acid with 25 per cent methanol for 1 hour at 50°C in 200 rpm. The yield of pretreated oil was 95 percent and the FFA content was reduced to 0.65 percent.

The Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) platform was formally launched by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) on 18 November 2010/ This article focuses on the REC mechanism, and the issues and challenges involved for India.

The solar powered UV disinfection plant was developed and installed at Haiderpur Waterworks, Delhi Jal Board. It was evaluated for treatment of microbial contamination of western Yamuna canal water for different microbial count and turbidity and flow rates.

Use of fuel cells is an alternate energy technology that is being studied for full-scale implementation. These can be classified into three subgroups: catalytic, enzymatic, and microbial. Microbial fuel cells are unique in their ability to utilize microorganisms, rather than an enzyme or inorganic molecule, as catalysts for converting the chemical energy of feedstock directly into electricity.
