A study has been undertaken to assess the number of six important tree species including teak, mango, babool, neem, kathal and shisham outside forests in rural areas of district Gorakhpur.

Agricultural  application  of  Municipal  Solid  Waste  (MSW),  as  nutrient  source  for plants and as soil conditioner, is the most cost­effective option of MSW management because  of  its  advantages  over  traditional  means  such  as  landfilling  or  incineration.

The Satpura plateau regionof Central India is home of numerous herb species. The agro climatic conditions prevailing in the region provides an ideal habitat for the natural growth of variety of plants and herbs, which provide raw materials for pharmaceutical, phytochemical, food, flavoring and cosmetic industries.

Due to the surface mining at Makrana, the flora, hydrological relations and soil biological systems are drastically disturbed. In Makrana the main cause of environmental pollution is marble mining dust particulates and stone crusher dust. Analysis of the samples showed that the soil of Makrana is saline sodic because of high pH value and excess sodium presence. The agricultural field near these marble mines and stone crushers areas show poor growth and yield of crops and vegetable crops was noticed.

The solar powered UV disinfection plant was developed and installed at Haiderpur Waterworks, Delhi Jal Board. It was evaluated for treatment of microbial contamination of western Yamuna canal water for different microbial count and turbidity and flow rates.