In a study of influences of biotic factors on the productivity of homegardens biotic factors were classified into three classes viz., complementary, supplementary and intervening factors. It is found that structure, composition, management and productivity of home gardens depend upon several interlinking socio-economic-cultural, ecological and policy and institutional factors. Intervening factors are the foremost deciding factor in the homegarden management system and its survival.

Invasive species are regarded as one of the largest threats to biodiversity but little is known about the invasion of exotic plants into the tropical forest. The per cent grass availability in gaur (Bos gaurus H. Smith, 1827) foraging areas in three different habitats namely dry deciduous forest, moist deciduous forest and thorn forest in relation to weed category areas viz., Lantana camara invasion areas, Chromolaena odorata invasion areas, 'both weeds invasion' and 'weed-free' areas were investigated in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve between November 2003 and April 2004.

Himachal Pradesh is blessed with extraordinary vegetation and floral assemblages, which can be attributed to the wide altitudinal range coupled with local variations in edaphic and climatic factors. Eight species belonging to 5 genera of bamboo are distributed in the state, occupying an area of 60 sq km. This paper presents a brief account of these bamboos together with a key to their identification in the field.

Modern healthcare system has negligible accessibility in the interior, remote and harsh areas of the northwestern Himalayas. People residing in these areas still depend upon traditional healthcare system.

Recent years, it has been observed that state and national highway network is expanded and widening to connect all over the country for faster movement and transportation. In India, motorized vehicle have enormously increased on the roads during last 2-3 decades which resulted heavy traffic on the state and national highways of the country. Several states and national highways are passing through national parks, wild life sanctuaries, biosphere reserves, protected and unprotected forest areas of the country.

The current study on olive ridley turtles was undertaken from 2007 to 2010 in Gahirmatha rookery of Odisha coast especially during their breeding season. Entire period of study the solitary nest and their predation and erosion level were studied in islands as well as mainland beach.

The survey focussed to assess the nature and extent of the human-Asiatic black bear conflicts in the Kupwara district recorded 68 cases of human casualties by black bear reported during 2005 to 2011.

Responses of hornbills and Ducula pigeons to hunting and disturbances to their habitats may help us understand the implications for the regeneration of their dependent tropical forest trees.

Human-wildlife conflict in the form of crop-raiding and attack by wild animals has become integral part for communities located at the borders of protected areas. Stratified-random sample of 103 respondents of 5 villages living in the Kitam Bird Sanctuary were interviewed to understand and manage growing concerns.

The present study tested the hypothesis that "game species are lost when forest areas are subjected to hunting and populations of already threatened species may become locally extinct from many forests of the Western Indian Himalaya". The study was designed to determine effects of vegetation structure and heterogeneity, and behaviour of animal species on their encounters in hunted and protected sites.
