Countries are developing green labels that can benefit the environment, consumers and businesses. Consumers in developing and developed markets show a propensity to buy from companies with a reputation of environmental and social responsibility.

A decade ago, environmentalist Hunter Lovins published Natural Capitalism. The book influenced some business leaders to embrace what was a counterintuitive notion: that going green could be a way to save or make lots of money. Since then, she has gone on to establish Natural Capitalism Solutions, a Colorado-based firm that helps businesses and governments become more energy-efficient and better prepared for the global threats of climate change. She recently wrote Climate Capitalism that presents the climate crisis as a giant business opportunity.

Solar, wind and biomass may soon cross a key financial threshold.

Use of renewable energy can help meet industries meet thermal energy and cooling requirements.

Technology Review organized the Business Impact: Corporate Energy Strategy Summit in Mumbai, Maharashtra, on September 22, 2011.

A growing number of companies are adopting intelligent, IP-enabled systems to implement and track enterprise-wide environmental initiatives.

A sustainable energy system across India's industrial sector can help the country reduce its energy consumption faster - A CyberMedia Research Survey findings.

The concern today for corporates is about how to use technologies to address the kind of problems that we face and how to generate the technologies to address the issues specific to India. (Extract from the inaugural keynote address by Ajay Mathur at Technology Review's Business Impact: Corporate Energy Strategy Conference on September 22, 2011 in Mumbai, Maharashtra.