Tunis — An earth tremor measuring 2.5 degrees on the Richter scale was registered Monday at 8:03 pm in the governorate of Beja, northern Tunisia, the National Institute of Meteorology (INM) said Tu

The Report of a Study on the Evaluation of the Land Drainage and Watershed Management Programme effected by the National Development Unit during the period 2010-2014 has been presented to the Gover

In less than two months the Gambian nation will come to grips with the reality of having to do away to a large extent with the use of plastic bags, if the recent ban on the importation and use of p

IN a desperate bid to track down elusive poachers, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism has increased the reward money of whistle-blowers on poaching from N$30 000 to N$60 000.

KAKAMEGA county's damaged forests will be replanted during the current rains, country ecosystem conservator Martin Mamati has said.

HOPES of a universal, commercially licensed malaria vaccine this year may have dimmed as the first candidate malaria vaccine to reach phase III clinical trials, though safe, has been found to provi

The second edition of the campaign against neglected diseases was launched in Yaounde on Friday May 8, 2015.

THIRTEEN people died and several others were injured as heavy rains pounded Nairobi and its environs for six hours on Monday night, causing traffic snarl-ups and destroying property.

Minister of Environmental Affairs to launch strategic environmental assessment of shale gas development, joined by the Department of Mineraal Resources, Science and Technology, Water and Sanitation

Kruger National Park remains the hardest hit when it comes to rhino poaching - losing 290 animals of the 393 killed in South Africa by April, Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said at a br
