Addis Ababa — A United Nations mission is due to take place this month to assess the impact of Ethiopia's massive Gilgel Gibe III hydroelectric power project on the Omo River which feeds Lake Turka

Luanda — The minister of Environment Fátima Jardim and the her Moroccan colleague Hakimael Haite Tuesday in Marrakech discussed cooperation on climate change programme aiming at the preservation of

Former Irrigation Minister Mohamed Abdel Motaleb, head of Egypt's delegation to World Water Forum held in South Korea, said that Egypt presented new, several and non-traditional visions on facing i

Environmental Management Inspectors, commonly known as the Green Scorpions, have been deployed by the Department of Environmental Affairs at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg in an eff

A new tracking system to gather information on illegal elephant poaching has been put in place for the Central African Sub-region.

The United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) has reported a decline in the number of confirmed Ebola cases in the three most affected Ebola hit countries of Liberia, Guinea and

Just over 20,000 malaria cases were detected in the hospitals of the central Huambo Province from January to March this year, compared to the 16,160 cases recorded in 2014.

Luanda — The prevalence of chronic malnutrition in Angolan children aged five and below has reached 29 per cent, informed last Monday, in Luanda, the nutritionist Futi Tati.

Masvingo — An outbreak of cholera has hit Chingwizi where nearly 3 000 Tokwe-Mukosi flood victims are resettled with three cases of the deadly disease recorded last week.

THE Migori county government has been praised for its efforts to control the cholera outbreak.

The disease broke out in February, killing 10 people.
