Parliament Complex, Nirman Bhawan and Shastri Bhawan were among the government offices in Delhi where the World Earth Hour was observed by switching off lights between 8.30 pm and 9.30 pm on Saturd

In a bid to curb pollution, a group in Meerut has decided to burn 50,000 kg of wood during Navratri, raising concerns whether the initiative would be a success.

The India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) project, which has remained a non-starter for over a decade after suffering multiple delays, is finally set to take off as the Expert Appraisal Committee

Providing yet another window to regularise projects that have not taken prior green clearances, this time under Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) norms, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate

Only three cases of chikungunya have been reported by the various MCDs in the Capital in 2018 as compared to last year where 46 cases were reported by March.

A group of doctors have written a letter to PM Modi demanding that the Centre exercise its right of ‘Compulsory Licensing’ (CL) for Bedaquiline and Delaminid, which treat drug-resistant forms of th

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Sunday said that India has set up a project preparation facility (PPF) to assist projects across countries that are seeking concessional funding under Line

With 22 heads of states, including French President Emmanuel Macron, in attendance, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spelt out India's commitment to act against climate change and start a 'global solar

As many as nine cases of dengue have been reported in Delhi in the first two months this year, indicating the early spread of the virus carrying the vector-borne disease in the national Capital.

Following an improvement in the Capital's air quality, the Supreme Court-appointed Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA) said that Badarpur power plant can resume operatio
