Goa mineral ore exporters association (GMOEA), the main trading body of mine owners, has said that the Supreme Court's order of April 21 would bring clarity on various issues concerning the mining
KERI: Due to deaths of several wild animals on the railway tracks passing through the Mollem national park, Anilkumar, the deputy conservator of forests, has written a letter to South-Western railw
The Supreme Court interim order on illegal mining is silent on the future of manganese ore mining in the state which was also halted in 2012 long with iron ore mining.
The Supreme Court's order fixing a one km buffer zone for mining has in effect put a permanent closure to 32 mining leases in Goa coming under the eco-sensitive zone in the wildlife sanctuaries of
Goa state pollution control board (GSPCB) on Thursday ordered that seven stone crusher units in south Goa be closed down for operating without consent and causing pollution in the neighbourhood.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)'s South Goa candidate Swati Kerkar, along with party members, visited Betul village of Velim panchayat to sympathize with the affected local traditional fisherman whose clams
Goa's 19-month-old ban on mining notwithstanding, Mulgao's agricultural fields and horticultural plantations, once thriving sources of livelihood for its residents, continue to reel under the after