In an important development which may have severe implications on the mining industry, the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) said that as the state government has not responded with
The Goa State Pollution Control (GSPCB) has directed nine steel units operating at the Cuncolim industrial estate to take necessary measures to control air pollution in the vicinity.
The forest department is reviewing all pending cases regarding illegal tree felling in Goa in a bid to expedite these and the department is also contemplating action against officers who delay the
Acting on directions from the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB), officials from the Tiswadi mamlatdar's office and Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) accompanied by police personnel be
The Goa state pollution control board (GSPCB) on Monday directed Axis, Sunrise Zinc Ltd, Cuncolim Industrial Estate, and the Goa Industrial Development Co-orporation (GIDC), to commence transfer of
The regional office of ministry of environment and forests (MoEF), Bangalore, has completed the inspection reports of 40 mines of which 10 reports have been submitted to the MoEF's expert appraisal
The agriculture department has invited expressions of interest (EOIs) from recognized NGOs, cooperative societies, self help groups and farmers clubs to carry out a soil survey in the state.
The first nagar sabha of the Cuncolim municipal council (CMC), held on Saturday in Cuncolim to discuss the issue of pollution in the Cuncolim industrial estate (CIE), has demanded the arrest of the
The Goa state pollution control board (GSPCB) has, in an order issued to Axis Ltd located at Cuncolim industrial estate, directed the industrial unit to cover up the 25,000 tonnes of hazardous wast
Pollution levels in the iron ore belts of Goa dropped considerably after mining activity was banned in September last, bringing them within the permissible limits, according to the data placed befo