With the data provided by the Centre for Pollution Control (CPC), it has been found that majority of the city hospitals have been flouting the norms for biomedical waste treatment.
VARANASI: Taking an environment friendly step, the Sewapuri block office of Varanasi district will soon be turning to solar energy for all its energy needs in coming months.
The Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC) had prepared the CSP with support from GIZ-ASEM (German International Cooperation), Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society (CDD), Bangalore and CEPT Un
The Centre for Pollution Control (CPC), the agency authorised by Centre Pollution Control Board for the treatment of bio-medical waste, has as many 280 registered health-care establishments which t
It seems that Ganga, the holy river that has been nurturing the Indian civilization since time immemorial but today cursed with manmade pollution, has become a potential issue for all sections like
Is Varanasi heading towards epidemics? So far, overflowing sewage, heaps of dumped garbage, contaminated water supply through taps were hinting this situation.
Ganga, the holiest river that has been washing people's sins and granting 'moksha' since time immemorial, today itself needs attention of those who call it 'mother'.