If states across India adopted stronger building efficiency codes and developers participated in strong programs for rating commercial buildings, an estimated 3,453 TWh of cumulative electricity could be saved by 2030, the equivalent of powering as many as 358 million Indian homes annually between 2014 and 2030, says this new analysis by the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Administrative Staff College of India.

India is at a crossroads in its development path. To keep pace with a projected 9 percent growth rate, India’s energy production must grow 6.5 percent per year from 2011 to 2017. India’s growth rate means rapid urbanization; building occupied area in India is projected to skyrocket from 8 billion square meters in 2005 to 41 billion in 2030.

This compendium published by Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and CISCO presents selective cases on the use of ICT for effective urban governance and service delivery in India.

The purpose of developing sector specific guidance manual for Mining projects is to provide clear and concise information to all the stakeholders i.e. project proponent, environmental consultant, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board officials and the public to have a better understanding on the relevant environmental aspects in the initial stage itself.

The existing Environmental Impact Assessment manual of MoEF is common for all the sectors requiring prior environmental clearance. Considering the diversity in all the sectors related to infrastructure and industrial development, MoEF launched a programme for development of sector specific EIA guidance manual. The EIA guidance manual will help the project proponent

The existing manual on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of MoEF, is common for all the sectors requiring prior environmental clearance. Considering the diversity in all sectors related to infrastructure and industrial development projects, MoEF launched a program for development of sector specific technical EIA guidance manuals.

The existing manual on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of MoEF, is common for all the sectors requiring prior environmental clearance. Considering the diversity in all sectors related to infrastructure and industrial development projects, MoEF launched a program for development of sector specific technical EIA guidance manuals.