Offshore wind investments in Europe doubled in 2015 to €13.3 billion in a record year for financing and grid-connected installations. A total of 3,019 MW in new offshore wind capacity came online in European waters in 2015, more than double what was connected to the grid in 2014. Europe's total offshore wind capacity is now 11,027 MW.

Offshore wind investments in Europe doubled in 2015 to €13.3 billion in a record year for financing and grid-connected installations. A total of 3,019 MW in new offshore wind capacity came online in European waters in 2015, more than double what was connected to the grid in 2014. Europe's total offshore wind capacity is now 11,027 MW.

With 392 GW installed, wind energy can be the single largest source of power generation in the EU by 2030 ahead of coal and gas. Wind energy already plays a significant role in the European power sector. In 2014, the wind industry installed 11,791 MW in the EU - more than gas and coal combined.

The European Wind Energy Association has published three scenarios for the growth of wind power across the EU over the next 15 years. The calculations are in line with the target of 27 percent renewable energy as a share of final energy consumption by 2030.

Green Growth examines the impact of wind energy on jobs and the economy in the EU. The wind energy industry increased its contribution to the EU’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 33% between 2007 and 2010.