The tourism policy of the State aims at making Jharkhand as one of the most preferred destination for tourists, both inside and outside of the country and to ensure accelerated development of tourism related infrastructure, increasing employment opportunities, augmenting the resources of the State as also showcasing the rich cultural heritage an

The Jharkhand Food Processing Industry Policy 2015 aims at creating favorable atmosphere for setting-up of food processing units in the state through creation of infrastructure facilities, encouragement of capital investment and technology up-gradation, development of marketing network, development promotion, grants and concessions.

The Government of Jharkhand has recently notified draft for new solar policy. The new policy will be known as the Jharkhand State Solar Power Policy 2015. The new Policy will be in operation for five (5) years from the date of issuance and will remain operational till modified or superseded by a new policy.

Climate change is proving out to be one of the greatest challenges faced by the global community today. The analysis of past trends and current erratic behaviour in climatic events shows that changes being experienced in the climate of Jharkhand are the proof of natural climate variability prevailing in the state.

This case study narrates the successful initiatives taken by Mr. Rakesh Bhagat, Mukhiya through the Village Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC) in Bero Panchayat (Bero Block) of Ranchi district of Jharkhand in the context of revival of a dysfunctional piped water supply scheme.

The West Singhbhum district in Jharkhand is considered to be one of the richest in terms of forest resources and biodiversity and also minerals. Concerns have been raised on the impact of mining activities on the wildlife and the people. There are site specific Wildlife Management Plans and EIA Reports for the mining areas.

Department of Forest and Environment, Government of Jharkhand has drafted this State Climate Change Action Plan to help the state address the challenges of climate change.

Read text of Jharkhand Energy Policy, 2012 aimed to accelerate the pace of development of the state and bring it at least at par with other developed States. It is structured with consumers as the focal point & aims at fulfillment of the overall need for universal access and for providing reliable, quality & affordable power.

The policy aims at creating industry-friendly environment for maximizing investment especially in mineral and natural resource based industries, MSMEs, infrastructure development and rehabilitation of viable sick units.

Main objective of the Energy policy is to accelerate the pace of development of the State and bring it at least at par with other developed States.
