This monograph by Delhi's chief secretary Rakesh Mehta aimed at reducing Delhi's carbon footprint has identified a set of 65 action points that each department of the administration would have to follow in the next three years.

Government of NCT of Delhi had identified high capacity buss system (HSBS) as the appropriate road-based public transport system for Delhi. High capacity bus systems were to run on a dedicated lane, which was to be carved out of the existing road network in Delhi. These dedicated lanes are referred to as the Bus Rapid Transport Corridor (BRTC).

Measures to further control Vehicular pollution grant of subsidy for replacement of retro-fitted two stroke, three wheel Scooter Auto Rickshaw (TSR) by those with four stroke engine technology.

Budget speech 2011-2012: Shiela Dikshit, Chief Minister, Govt of NCT of Delhi.
