This paper examine the effects that variations in the international food prices have on democracy and intra-state conflict using panel data for over 120 countries during the period 1970-2007.

This paper uses multivariate dynamic panel analysis to examine the response of international financial flows to natural disasters. The models estimated for a large sample of developing countries point to differentiated responses of specific types of financial flows. The results show that remittance inflows increase significantly in response to shocks to both climatic and geological disasters.

The analysis and projections contained in the World Economic Outlook are integral elements of the IMF

This note outlines a scheme for mobilizing financing to help developing countries confront the challenges posed by climate change. The idea is to create a

This report, published by the International Monetary Fund, presents the IMF's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level and focuses on major economic policy issues as well as on the analysis of economic development and prospects. The report is prepared twice a year and is used for activities of global economic surveillance.
