The International Renewable Energy Agency's (IRENA) transforming energy scenario identifies the course the world should pursue to create a sustainable future energy system. To achieve this goal, profound changes will be required to convert the present system from dependence on fossil fuels to greater reliance on renewable energy.

Methanol is essential for the chemical industry and represents an emerging fuel for a wide range of uses. Although largely produced from fossil fuels, it can also be made from sustainable, renewable-based energy sources.

Japan has long been a major energy importer, relying heavily on fossil fuels to meet household and community electricity needs as well as transport and industrial energy demand.

El Salvador has prioritised renewable energy projects to reduce its dependence on imported fossil fuels and improve energy security. The National Energy Policy 2010-2024 has become a key tool for the country to advance the use of indigenous renewables, including hydropower, biomass, solar photovoltaic (PV) and geothermal power.

As global economies aim to become carbon neutral, competitive hydrogen produced with renewables has emerged as a key component of the energy mix. Falling renewable power costs and improving electrolyser technologies could make "green" hydrogen cost competitive by 2030, this report finds.

With signing of the Paris Agreement, countries pledged to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to adapt to the impacts of climate change. By scaling up renewable energy, countries can sharply reduce one major source of the problem: energy-related CO2 emissions.

Mini-grids are complex systems dependent on different suppliers and used in different applications, often with high regulatory uncertainty over their installation and operation.

Oceans contain vast renewable energy potential – theoretically equivalent to more than double the world's current electricity demand. Nascent ocean energy technologies could cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power generation and help to ensure a sustainable, climate-safe energy future.

Offshore renewable energy – including offshore wind and solar power, as well as emerging ocean energy technologies – could support sustainable long-term development and drive a vibrant blue economy.

While global investments in renewable energy have risen steadily in recent years, they remain far below the levels required to put the world on course for a climate-safe future.
