While global investments in renewable energy have risen steadily in recent years, they remain far below the levels required to put the world on course for a climate-safe future.

Hydrogen produced with renewable energy sources – or “green” hydrogen – has emerged as a key element to achieve net-zero emissions from heavy industry and transport.

The countries of the East African Rift region hold significant geothermal potential, giving them valuable options for sustainable electricity production and direct use. Harnessing these resources can provide a renewable, affordable and stable energy supply.

Meeting international climate and development objectives calls for a massive shift of capital into low-carbon technologies, including renewables.

As the world grapples with climate change, urban energy systems have emerged as a key focus of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Cities contribute high shares of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Yet they also offer clear opportunities to reduce emissions and develop climate-resilient future infrastructure.

Renewable sources could cover more than one-third of energy demand across the Central and South-Eastern Europe energy connectivity (CESEC) area cost effectively by 2030, regional Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) analysis shows.

Renewable sources could cover more than one-third of energy demand across the Central and South-Eastern Europe energy connectivity (CESEC) area cost effectively by 2030, regional Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) analysis shows.

The seventh edition of Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review shows that jobs in the sector reached 11.5 million globally last year, led by solar PV with some 3.8 million jobs, or a third of the total.

To avoid catastrophic climate change, the world needs to reach zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in all sectors of the economy by the 2050s. Effective energy decarbonisation presents a major challenge, especially in key industry and transport sectors.

IRENA has developed Guiding Principles for Engaging in Cooperation Activities with the Private Sector.
