Haryana government on Friday banned manufacture, storage, distribution or sale of Gutkha, Pan Masala, Zarda (chewing tobacco) or other items with tobacco and nicotine content. This was decided at a meeting of the Haryana cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda.

Compensation amount given to farmers of Gorakhpur village

The Haryana Government on Wednesday announced a compensation of Rs.46 lakh per acre to farmers whose land would be acquired for setting up a nuclear power plant at Gorakhpur village in Fatehabad district. An official spokesman said here that the award was announced by District Revenue Officer Ram Singh Bishnoi in the presence of Fatehabad Deputy Commissioner M.L. Kaushik and the landowners.

The recent Punjab & Haryana High Court direction barring the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) from issuing fresh licences for housing projects in Gurgaon without an undertaking from t

An open forum convened by the Haryana government at Gorakhpur village in Fatehabad district, the venue of proposed nuclear plant in the state, ended abruptly on Tuesday after leaders of opposition

The public hearing on the proposed nuclear plant to be set up at Gorakhpur village in Fatehabad district of Haryana which was held by the district administration along with officials and scientists of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) on Tuesday amid unprecedented security in the village remained “inconclusive”, sources told The Hindu .

However, an official spokesman claimed here that senior scientists of NPCIL “succeeded in dispelling fears and misconceptions of the villagers about setting up of the nuclear power plant”.

‘Concern over poor quality of coal allocation for State power plants’

Haryana on Tuesday urged the Centre to provide additional required power during peak hours besides higher allocation of power from Central sector projects including mega power plants. Speaking at the Power Ministers’ conference in New Delhi, Haryana Power Minister Ajay Singh Yadav also expressed concern over poor quality and insufficient quantity of coal allocation for the power plants in Haryana.

Chandigarh Taking a serious view of exploitation of ground water in Gurgaon, Punjab and Haryana High Court today barred issuance of any fresh license for construction activity unless builders give an undertaking that underground water would not be drawn by them.

The court asked the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) to ensure that the undertaking by the builder or individuals should make clear the source of water drawn by them for construction purposes in Gurgaon, Delhi's satellite city which has become base of several MNCs over the years.

The Environment ImpactAssessment (EIA) report on the nuclear power plant coming up in Haryana was leaked a day ahead of a public hearing to be held at the project site on Tuesday.

The Haryana Government has formulated a rural water policy for the state for the year 2012 to save precious drinking water by preventing wastage due to unmetered connections and open taps.

The Haryana Government has formulated a Rural Water Policy to prevent wastage of potable water through public open taps and unmetered connections.

Public Health Engineering Department officers told The Hindu that the ground reality was quite dismal as there was a high percentage of wastage of water through unmetered connections in rural areas which were being billed on flat rate basis. “Our endeavour is to ensure conservation of water so that this limited resource is used optimally,’’ they added.
