Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday sent out a clear message to the farmers that they would get “benefits” if they let their land be acquired for setting up power plants in the

In a first in the country, the Haryana government on Tuesday provided jobs to 129 eligible family members of those farmers whose land has been acquired for the Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Plant, Khe

Degraded land in Gurgaon was nurtured back to health over a decade. But instead of serving as a green lung, it has been sold to a private developer, reports BRIJESH PANDEY

Judgement of the Punjab-Haryana High Court in the matter of Eros City Developers Private Ltd. vs State Of Haryana And Others dated 21/01/2008 regarding acquiring the land belonging to the petitioner (Eros City Developers Private Ltd.) in village Lakarpur, Tehsil and District Faridabad, for a public purpose, namely, for the expansion and systematic development of the Tourist Complex, Surajkund.

Farmers in Haryana have been persuaded to give up growing a lucrative crop because of the harm it causes to the earth.
