Indian National Lok Dal secretary-general and MLA Ajay Singh Chautala on Tuesday flayed the Congress regimes at the Centre and in Haryana for “failing on all fronts”, especially so far as the inter

As part of a drive to make the state free of nicotine, Haryana Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials raided 28 hookah bars across seven districts and collected 77 samples this month.

The Union Agriculture Ministry has approved Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, as a Centre of Excellence for bajra.

Stating this in Hisar, the university's Director (Research) R. P. Narwal said Rs. 1 crore has been sanctioned to popularise bajra , known as the primary food of the poor.

Fatehabad: Despite a ban, farmers have been burning paddy straw on their fields with impunity after harvesting their crops.

A sharp increase in number of dengue patients has been witnessed in the recent days, even as Health Minister Rao Narender Singh today claimed that the government had taken steps to control dengue a

After a gap of three years, chikungunya, a viral disease spread by mosquitoes, has struck in a big way at a village in Kalka.

GURGAON: Despite its many benefits, solar energy is still far from being economically viable. To begin with, solar cells don't come cheap. Plus, they take a lot of space.

The Delhi Metro will extend up to neighbouring Faridabad during Phase-III of its construction through a completely elevated corridor covering about 14 km. The route will be an extension of the existing Line 6 (Central Secretariat-Badarpur corridor) and will be built on standard guage.

Area-specific incentives in the renewable energy sector are critical, and the country needs to focus on policy regulation, technology advancement and financial options coupled with innovation for t

Orders fresh investigation in five towns
