Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav inaugurated the 165-km Yamuna Expressway on Thursday, more than five years after the 2003-2007 Samajwadi Party government of his father Mulayam Singh Yad

NOIDA/LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav inaugurated the Yamuna Expressway by way of a videoconference from the state capital Lucknow on Thursday.

Greater Noida/ New Delhi: After several flip flops, now commuters can drive down to Agra in less than two hours taking the Yamuna Expressway from Wednesday afternoon, almost five hours after the pr

TOI Takes A Ride On The Delhi-Agra Yamuna Expressway To Bring You A Sneak Preview. The monsoon is chasing us.

The Uttar Pradesh government has stepped up efforts to attract private companies from the United States and South Africa to set up units to generate electricity from solid wastes.

Hundreds of young and old eco-activists turned up at the Yamuna ghats in this Taj city on Sunday morning to pick up trash, mostly polythene bags, to mark the start of World Water Week March 18-25.

Programme coordinator Shravan Kumar Singh said: "UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav is known for his love for environmental and nature conservation programme. Through our clean up exercise today (Sunday) we have sent out a strong message - that we want the cleaning up of Yamuna to be taken up at the earliest and on war-footing."

The earthquake today that jolted the National Capital and the adjoining NCR region has brought the safety of buildings in and around the capital back into focus.

A new scheme by the district administration of Agra has increased people's participation in monitoring of govt schools. The results are encouraging.

LUCKNOW: Even as the city remained under the grip of biting cold on Sunday, the minimum temperature dropped to 1.3 degrees Celsius in Agra, which was the lowest in record in the plains of the count
