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The Union labour ministry discusses the safety and health problems of the workers at Alang

Alternative fuel vehicles showed great promise. But insufficient number of fuel stations could impede their growth

ireland has been hauled up by the European Commission ( ec ) for its

THIS book contains all one would want to know about environmental management in the context of the existence of plenty alongside poverty. But for those not familiar with the dynamics of the symbiotic

The tendency to acquire the power of absolute pitch may be genetic

madhya Pradesh has set a record by being the first state in the world to implement the new concept of People Protected Area (ppa). Introduced under the United Nations Development Programme

Toeing the green line, General Motors has developed a car that does not pollute

...and how it leads to environmental degradation

Several social groups are trying to restore the link between Hinduism and the environment

How the environment sacred to Hindus is bearing the brunt of pollution in the name of religion
