Although wild crocodiles are considered endangered, the prospects for growth in the crocodile farming business really looks good in Siem Reap, Cambodia - up to 1,350 per cent, Nao Thuok, who is
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BHANUSINGHA GHOSH out of a world population of 5,384 million in 1991, about 43 per
herbal medicines are taking a toll of rare plants in several Asian countries. According to a new study conducted by the British firm McAlpine, Thorpe and Warrier, and supported by botanists, 18
The ongoing dispute between the US and four Asian nations over shrimp exports will now be decided by a panel which was recently appointed by the World Trade Organization. Lost year, the US had passed
An audit of the earth addresses the growing concern that the costs of environmental degradation are actually becoming a serious threat to sustained welfare
The Gulf waters are turning murkier day by day with illegal waste being dumped by ships in sea, mak ing it unfit for marine life. Wastes from large vessels, which sail through the Gulf or
Asia's first drug information network has become operational in Kathmandu from September 23. The network aims at providing pharmacists, students, researchers, consumers and patients among others,
that Asia is being used as a dumping ground for the developed world's rubbish has been brought to the fore yet again. A us 200-tonne shipment of waste has wound its way to the port of Hong