This document presents the findings of a modelling study that examined in detail the costs and benefits of tuberculosis (TB) screening plus TB preventive treatment (TPT) in four countries – Brazil, Georgia, Kenya and South Africa – which may serve as examples for other settings with a similar epidemiological context.

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many meetings, workshops, and consultations suddenly went online. In many parts of the world, in-person meetings were impossible for a long time, and only now are slowly resuming. In other parts, hybrid meetings with online presence and in-person participation are becoming the new norm.

The cost of environmental degradation (COED) report focuses on Georgia’s coastal zone. Georgia’s coastal zone is crucial to the national economy but has been affected by substantial environmental degradation.

Georgia is at an important crossroad with regards to the short-, medium- and long-term future of infrastructure and investment in the transport sector.

The key objective of this SDG 7 roadmap is to assist the Government of Georgia to develop enabling policy measures to achieve the SDG 7 targets. This roadmap contains a matrix of technological options and enabling policy measures for the Government to consider.

This study provides information to be used to raise the ambition of Georgia's NDCs and to consider adaptation targets for the Black Sea coast of Georgia.

WMA expresses alarm following measles outbreak.

This paper investigates the potential for developing countries to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions without slowing their expected economic growth.

Armenia and Georgia are taking the climate change agenda seriously and contributing to efforts for mitigating global climate change through various ways, including preparation of low-carbon development strategies for their future economic growth.

This publication gives an overview of “Strengthened Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia and the Caucasus through greater fostering of the Hyogo Framework for Action priorities” activities in eight project cities of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
