Ayes: While some were confused, many said yes to the idea of buying shares of the project And, as icing on the cake, they’ll get first bite of the public ownership shares

The inventory will help assess water availability and situation of water sources
A national inventory of this precious resource is on the verge of completion

Resource: The drying up of water sources for the last few years in Trashigang has begun to worry both villagers and district officials.

The increasing number of dried/drying up sources has numerous worrisome implications.

Keeping the capital city green and clean, Thimphu thromde’s slogan, has been the biggest challenge.

While the government is looking to deliberate on the bio-safety bill in the upcoming session, some sections are cautioning more awareness and consultation on the subject before finalising the law.

The project "Development of Energy Codes and Standards for Buildings in Bhutan" aimed at following three objectives: Evaluate the Building Sector and Prepare Detailed Energy Audit Reports; Develop Energy Codes and Standards for Buildings; and Recommend Policy Instruments.

2020, the economic ministry yesterday announced it wouldn’t be able to achieve the target.

Four of the seven projects will be funded by the Global Environment Facility system

The government unveils an ambitious two-pronged waste management plan
