The first forest fire of the 2013-2014 winter in Thimphu burnt four to five acres of government reserved forest above Jazam, near Namseling, yesterday afternoon.

WCD: The wildlife conservation division will conduct the first nationwide tiger survey next month, making Bhutan the fourth country to conduct such a survey using camera traps.

It will provide the authority, a platform to deal with the govt. and implementing agencies

This tentative estimate was arrived at by the preliminary damage assessment report

RICBL and dzongkhag officials study windstorm damage at Siligang village in Kabjisa gewog, Punakha

Mining: The mineral development policy, which is expected to be out early next year, will bring about an extensive overhaul in the way mining is done in the country.

With 92 houses suffering damage from the December 15 windstorm, Dogar gewog in Paro was the worst affected gewog. All 92 houses had their roofs blown away by the storm.

One of the many houses left roofless by yesterday’s windstorm in Haa

The health and agriculture ministers assured commitment to strengthen ‘one health’ approach in Bhutan and in the region at the South Asia regional ‘one health’ symposium that ended yesterday in Par

NC: Almost exactly two years after the legislation was re-done, that too a year after its enactment, the Tobacco Control Act is up for amendment once more.
