International Finance Corporation would invest in generation and transmission of hydro-electricity in Nepal and Bhutan to foster regional cooperation in the energy sector.

The policy will seek to tap 5MW of power each from the sun, wind, and biomass

Cyclone: Rain triggered by cyclone Phailin may have destroyed harvested paddy in western Bhutan, but it also contributed Nu 90M to the government coffers.

The South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN) to be held for the first time in Nepal will begin on Tuesday with the declaration of Bhaktapur as an “open defecation free (ODF) district”.

In recent months, India has embarked on a round of energy diplomacy with its neighbours - it has just signed joint ventures to build power plants in both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

With the government releasing the annual budget for the fiscal year 2013-14 to the ministries this week, the mining and manufacturing sector is earmarked to receive Nu 837M for a host of activities

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) would help Bangladesh import power from hydro-power-rich Bhutan, with the setting up of a regional power transmission line for cross-border electricity trading, an

Concerned over growing incidents of poaching of rhinos, five Asian rhino range nations in a resolution asked India to take measures, including increased level of security to wildlife parks, to prot

Chemically treated mosquito nets will be distributed to about 17,513 families in Chukha at the end of this month

Energy Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister Dr Tawfiq-e-Elahi said Thursday the government has planned to import 3,500 megawatt (MW) of electricity from neighboring countries through cross border
