This report is a synthesis of two Adaptation Knowledge Platform studies that sought to understand the policy contexts for addressing climate change adaptation and key conservation issues in Nepal and Bhutan. These two Himalayan countries have significant commonalities and differences.

Bhutan, in 2040, will be very different from what it is today. The transport system then needs to respond to the changing needs and demands. The Transport Integrated Strategic Vision 2040 incorporates all existing transport related plans, policies, initiatives, and actions to create a long-term comprehensive strategy for the country.

The Government of Nepal, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and partner institutions from Bhutan, China, India, and Nepal have agreed to cooperate across borders

Of the 127,942 households in Bhutan 11,049 are poor and 2,322 extremely poor the poverty assessment report (PAR) 2012 states.

Plant and flower enthusiasts have two more names to add to their list.

Bangladesh can slash greenhouse gas emissions by around 22 per cent by 2020 through introducing a variety of clean technologies that would cost less than $10 per tonne of carbon-dioxide equivalent,

Samples exceeded the US FDA provisional total tolerable intake levels

Bangladesh and Arunachal Pradesh have discussed several measures for better management of the Brahmaputra River for mutual benefit, official sources said on Saturday.

The Bhutan Living Standards Survey (BLSS) 2012 Report summarizes the results of the household survey undertaken by the National Statistics Bureau with assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

This Alternative Renewable Energy Policy aims to promote the following clean RE technologies: solar (both PV and thermal), wind, bio-energy, geo-thermal, pico/micro/mini/small hydro and waste to energy (WTE).
