The disposal of biomedical waste is a burning problem in developing countries due to scarcity of resources and funds in view of its high cost involved. In this paper, a very cheap, easily available and effective method by using fungus - Periconiella sp.

Anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste was carried out in the laboratory at room temperature to assess the bio-energy production from municipal solid waste (MSW) with high total solids content. The total biogas production from the municipal garbage was found to be 3.2 L in 120 days.

The stomatal response of cassia (Cassia streata L.) and dhaincha (Sesbania rostrata L.) to a coalmine overburden (OB) substrate was studied with a view to rehabilitate such areas. Plants raised in unmined soil were used as controls. The mine OB induced significant increase in stomatal index (SI) with diminished stomatal size and a stomatal closure in the test plants.

The goal of this study was to assess the phytoremediation potential of transgenic Indian mustard plants. The increase in metal accumulation as a result of these genetic engineering approaches is typically two-to-threefold more metal per plant, which potentially enhances phytoremediation efficiency by the same factor. The significance of this finding is that it is the first to demonstrate an enhanced capability of transgenic plants to phytoextract environmental soil containing a mixture of metals.

Bioremediation seems to be a good alternative to conventional clean-up technologies. Bioremediation has advantage over conventional physical and chemical methods such as precipitation, adsorption, electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. The aim of this work was to remove ammonia, nickel and hexavalent chromium from synthetic solutions by bioremediation technique.

Lead from paints, plumbing materials,waste crankcase oil, batteries, etc.

Three trees, including Cassia siamea (Cassia), Azadirachta indica (Neem), Holoptelia integrifolia (Holoptelia)belonging to three different families were identified from a manganese mine tailing dump. Manganese content in dump soil and in the stem, green leaves and dry, fallen leaves of the plants was determined. Values were compared with similar samples collected from normal vegetation.

Unreclaimed mine tailings sites are a worldwide problem, with thousands of unvegetated, exposed tailings piles presenting a source of contamination for nearby communities. Tailings disposal sites in arid and semiarid environments are especially subject to eolian dispersion and water erosion. Phytostabilization, the use of plants for in situ stabilization of tailings and metal contaminants, is a feasible alternative to costly remediation practices.

Aqueous wastes containing thiocyanate (SCN) are frequently encountered from variety of industrial processes. If improperly managed, these wastes can cause reversible or irreversible impact on the soil and water environment. In the process of developing a microbial technology for the SCN removal from aqueous waste, heterotrophic bacterial consortium's capable of degrading the SCN compound were isolated by an enrichment culture technique from activated sludge and garden soil.

Teak leaves (Tectona grandis) abundantly available in India showed high sorption capacity for lead ions and were found efficient for the removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions. The extent of removal was found to be dependent on pH, temperature, concentration of metal ions and the dose of adsorbent.
