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Urban pressures are threatening to destroy the lesser known of Kathmandu's historical structures

Complex systems of preserving biodiversity, evolved over centuries, have not saved traditional communities living in bio rich areas like India from poverty. Only if India starts patenting its germplasm can it compensate those of its communities which have

• Half the world's 6,000 languages will die out in the next 75 to 100 years. • Harvard biologist Edward Wilson estimates that nearly 140 species become extinct very day. • The

IN GLOBAL terms, existing species are estimated at between five and 30 million. Of these, only 1.4 million have been identified, of which 750,000 are insects, 40,000 invertebrates, 250,000 plants and

Patents are monopoly rights granted to the inventors to protect their economic interests. But this becomes complicated when the patent is applied to life forms on a global scale.

John Major's Darwin Initiative proves too expensive for Britain's exchequer.

A survey reveals a drastic fall in Garhwal Himalayan crop diversity. Compounding the seriousness of the situation is the lack of scientific interest in the loss

The glitz at UNCED was very impressive over 100 heads of government gathered together to thrash out environment politics. But the results were disappointing

• THIS IS how the paragraph in Agenda 21 text came to Rio: "To facilitate and support the effective implementation of the non-legally binding authoritative statement of principles for a

A statement presented by southern NGOs in Rio
