MADURAI: At a time when the Tamil Nadu government is looking forward for inclusion of Cauvery-Vaigai-Gundar rivers linking project at a cost of Rs 5,166 crore in the 2015-16 Union Budget, a group o

Karnataka Tourism Minister R V Deshpande today said the state government has accepted the concept of establishing a museum in Mysuru to document the existing flora and fauna in the Cauvery river be

The scope of the study and the present report covers the detailed characterization of the existing environmental status in the Project area for major environmental components viz. Meteorology, Ambient Air Quality, Water Quality and Noise Levels.

The Pollution Control Board in the district has sent samples of water in the Cauvery and Bhavani rivers following immersion of Lord Ganesha idols earlier this week in connection with the Chathurthi

Parched areas in South India may no longer be water starved if Karnataka plans to link Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery in consulation with the states concerned succeed.

Statue makers say use of the banned plaster of Paris is “inevitable"

New buildings will be constructed to house Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board offices and laboratories in seven centres across the State during 2014-15 at a cost of Rs.

Tamil Nadu government today announced a slew of measures to improve the infrastructure in its Pollution Control Board, in a bid to check the pollution levels and ensuring a clean environment in the

The Madras High Court Bench here on Wednesday criticised the State government for using machineries to quarry sand from riverbeds “perhaps under pressure from lorry owners” and for not disclosing t

Tamil Nadu government today proposed to launch a Rs 11,420 crore project to improve the irrigation system in Cauvery river basin with the Central Water Commission (CWC) having already given its 'in
