NEW DELHI: Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is going to commission a study based on data from government hospitals across the country to get an accurate picture of health impact of air pollut

A dip in the Ganges is, generally speaking, synonymous with the idea of purification.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Balbir Singh Vs. The Chairman, IHBAS & Others dated 18/01/2018 regarding biomedical waste management by the Institute of Human Behavior and Allied Sciences, Delhi.

NGT directs the Institute of Human Behavior and Allied Sciences, Delhi to communicate to the Central Pollution Control Board all particulars of the microwave waste treatment unit to be installed within a week and seek its advice of the said treatment unit and install and commission the unit within next one month.

Meerut: Alarmed over “disturbingly high” levels of toxic metals in rivers passing through Western Uttar Pradesh, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Tuesday formed a committee of four experts to c

Vardhan said that the Union government will coordinate a joint campaign, for two weeks, with the Delhi government, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and

The Delhi government has informed the National Green Tribunal that steel pickling units fall under the prohibited list of industrial activity according to the Delhi Master Plan (DMP), 2021 and cann

GUWAHATI: Increasing levels of air pollution have been ringing alarm bells for long and now the city civic body is poised to prepare a draft action plan to bring it under control with the help of a

Jamia scientists analysed soil samples from Krishna Vihar in Mandoli

Industries now share emission-related data.

Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said the fall in the levels of PM has also got to do with the fact that the AAP government, "unlike its neighbouring counterparts", sincerely enforced measures
