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Very soon, two satellites will be launched for measuring the changes in Earth's gravitational force due to mass changes equivalent to 1 cm of water over a quarter of a million square kilometres. The

A research paper brings out the dangers of increasing use of private capital in the developing countries

In 1990, the US greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 5.41 tonnes per capita. In 1993, President Clinton said that the US would bring down GHG emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000. The Climate

Industry opponnents of a treaty to fight global warming have drafted an ambitious proposal to spend millions of dollars to convince the public that the environmental accord is based on shaky science.

Secretary of state Madeleine Albright announced a diplomatic full court press to encourage developing nations to help avert the danger of climate change. A first, charitable reaction might be to ask

The recovery of the ozone layer to its pre-industrial state may be delayed, and could even worsen for time, because of the greenhouse effect, according to a study in a recent issue of

President Bill Clinton is unlikely to secure the $6.3bn he has sought from Congress to fund a US package to lead a global fight against climate change, according to an administration document and US

The National Academy of Sciences has taken the extraordinary step off disassociating itself from a statement and petition circulated by its former presidents that attack international efforts to

St. Mark's Square in Venice could be flooded every day by the middle of the next century because of worldwide rises in sea levels, a leading flood control specialist was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

A section of an Antarctic ice shelf as big as the District of Columbia has broken away from the continental ice mass, perhaps in response to decades of gradual warming in the South Polar region. The
