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European Union environment ministers agreed on Wednesday a deal to share out the burden of cutting the 15 nation bloc's emissions for greenhouse gases, seen as causing global warming. Individual

A study project conducted by the Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) has suggested replacement of the conventional pulverised coal sub-critical (PCSub-C) technology by integrated coal gasification

Global warming, an unusual escalation in surface temperatures worldwide because of the ever-increasing emission of greenhouse gases, might affect the Western Ghats forests, including those in Uttara

Is gene therapy really safe? Though most say yes, no one is absolutely sure

Molecules that mimic DNA could be turned into a new family of anti

The United Nations development Programme (UNDP) will provide a fresh grant assistance of $10.3 million to support India's efforts to minimise environmentally harmful greenhouse gas emissions by

Environmental change must be marketed like any other modern concept. That was the most striking conclusion of an Anglo-German environmental forum to explore how the UK and Germany can deliver

The government will propose that the Asian Development Bank and other international financialinstitutions set up joint projects between industrialized and developing nations to reduce greenhouse gas

The Japanese government and major industries have agreed to set ambitious sector-by-sector targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. A Ministry of International Trade and Industry task force has

The two-day workshop on 'Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) for greenhouse gas abatement' called upon the corporate sector in the country to make maximum use of the opportunities existing under
