
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on allocation of coal blocks, 24/11/2014.

The Government will allow commercial mining of coal by private companies after allocating mines to public sector companies and auction to specific-end users, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said toda

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on cancellation of coal blocks, 24/11/2014.

The government on Wednesday issued draft guidelines for e-auction of coal blocks cancelled by the Supreme Court. The auctions, Coal Secretary Anil Swarup said will begin on February 11.

Coal Ministry Places in Public Domain Draft Rules for Auction or Allocation of 204 Coal Blocks Cancelled by Hon’ble Supreme Court.

An Ordinance to provide for allocation of coal mines and vesting of the right, title and interest in and over the land and mine infrastructure together with mining leases to successful bidders and allottees with a view to ensure continuity in coal mining operations and production of coal, and for promoting optimum utilisation of coal resources c

The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to alter its order allowing cancelled coal blocks to continue operation till March 2015.

The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to restrain coal companies, that were directed to wind up mining in six months after their coal block allocations were cancelled, from extracting coal in this

This moves it a step closer to signing off on a long-delayed $10 bn mine, rail and port project

The Supreme Court’s decision to cancel coal blocks is sure to pose a headache for Punjab.
