the French government's plan to introduce ecological tax reforms got a serious blow on December 28, 2000, when the country's constitutional court rejected a planned industrial energy tax. The

the International Energy Agency ( iea ) based in Paris has undertaken a project in India to evolve indicators for energy use. The project aims to study patterns of energy use in various

The corporate world in Japan is wooing the environmentally conscious consumer by going green

New rules to restrict the use of plastic in India may end up promoting the polymer industry

High costs discourage the use of low sulphur fuels

no new projects for urea production will be permitted in the public, private or cooperative sector during the next three years. The department of fertilisers' decision on putting a check on the

consumers in us have pledged to buy gasoline-electric hybrid cars if carmakers manufacture them. The pledge was made in an internet petition as a

If EURO II norms are not applied to the entire country by 2000, India may become the world s biggest dumpyard of obsolete, polluting technology
