MY INITIAL response is on the tenor of the article, that foresters are responsible for the mismanagement and degradation of forests. I feel that India continues to have forested areas only

Protected areas are languishing under pressure from wildlife poachers, timber smugglers and commercial interests

Once dedsion makers have access to the right data they can pinpoint the regions in peril and take remedial action

Source: FAO Forestry Paper 112 & Forest Resources of Tropical Asia, 1981

Source: The State of Forest Report 1993

In Badin district of Pakistan, trees are being indiscriminately chopped down along canals, distributaries and roads in a display of utter disregard for the environment. Besides inflicting heavy

Forests help maintain the environmental conditions that make life possible, from regional hydrologic cycles to global climate. Frontier forests, large, ecologically intact and relatively

A cross section of opinions in response to 'Dark truths and lost woods' pages 31 41 by ANIL AGARWAL

While there are many who welcome the Supreme Court's ban on non forest activities within forests because of its obvious advantages for the northeast's fast disappearing forest lands, the order's implications for the region's economy have not been heart

Teffori" pofiticians millowners... the list ofilecimators of the northeast's forests is seemingly endless
