Vietnam's forests and mountains have lately revealed the existence of several new mammalian species

Researchers are making a beeline to Vietnam to delve into the nation s latest discoveries of new species

Higher incomes have increased the exploitation of popular plants like the rhododendron

Aborting malformed foetuses to relieve the nation s burden is the only horrifying way left for Vietnam to deal with the toxic legacy of the US Vietnam war

Economic factors have contributed to the untimely demise of Vietnam s forests

The government is pushing two programmes for conservation in Vietnam

Vietnam has taken a keen interest in tradional medicine since its independence in 1954. In the war against colonial France and later the Americans, Vietnamese troops had to depend heavily on herbal medicines. However, a lack of resouces on the part of t

Age old tribal and indigenous know how could be lost to marauding urbanisation

Lack of resources and delayed official action could jeopardise the future of traditional herbal medicine in the country

Recent studies say deforestation figures in west Africa have been exaggerated by Northern agencies
