The Global Electricity Regulatory Index (GERI) is part of the World Bank’s global efforts to promote a robust electricity sector regulatory environment.

The “Disaster Management Plan for Power Sector” provides a framework and direction to the utilities in the power sector for all phases of the disaster management cycle (i.e. Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery).

The “Disaster Management Plan for Power Sector” provides a framework and direction to the utilities in the power sector for all phases of the disaster management cycle (i.e. Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery).

The first report on the potential of corporate renewable electricity demand to influence India's renewables growth, assesses India’s power demand under evolving policy scenarios.

Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has released the report on 20th Electric Power Survey (EPS) of India. Periodic EPS of the country is conducted by CEA to assess the state wise/union territory (UT) wise/region wise and all-India electricity demand on medium and long-term basis. The 20th EPS Committee was constituted by CEA in May 2020.

In light of several global and domestic levers, such as the ongoing energy transition, changing sector economics and policies, and climate change concerns, a phasedown of coal from the power sector is almost inevitable.

The World Energy Trilemma is in its 12th year of publication amidst a time of unprecedented energy shocks and multiple crises that continue to cause disruptions to energy systems.

Given the vital role of power lines for social development, the rapid spread of such infrastructure worldwide and the fact that power lines can be one of the main causes of direct mortality for several species of birds and other wildlife, including mammals, it is essential to have suitable tools to ensure that these lines are built and maintaine

The report of the inter-ministerial committee has examined key issues with respect to energy data in India such as definitions and concepts of all the key parameters in the energy sector, calorific values, economic/statistical units, energy products/resources, data collection/compilation and energy and commodity balances.

The Ministry of Power on 7th November 2022, revised the consolidated Guidelines & Standards for charging infrastructure of electric vehicle in which it has notified that thepublic charging stations shall have the feature of prepaid collection of service charges with the time of the day rates and discount for solar hours.
