The Ministry of Power (MoP) has issued draft guidelines on March 24 asking the stakeholders, including the distribution companies (Discoms), in the name of “Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2023 to provide their comments, if any, by April 14.

South Africa-focused market report, providing a comprehensive overview of the state of play of the country’s energy sector.

Access to energy is defined in many ways, but most definitions include having reliable and affordable access to both cooking facilities and electricity that can be scaled up over time. Access to a reliable and quality energy supply is vital to the economic development of any country (Bhatia and Angelou, 2015).

This document covers the best practices for operation and maintenance of Distribution Transformers which may be useful for the distribution utilities. A brief description of working of Transformers, Design consideration, Best Practices and I.T. interventions have also been included in the document.

This new report from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) highlights the enormous potential of embracing the potential of wind energy. In just five years, five developing countries could add 3.5 GW of capacity, an extra US$12.5 bn for their economies and create 130,000 FTE work-years.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 45 of the Himachal Pradesh Water Cess on Hydropower Generation Ordinance, 2023, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the following rules, namely the Himachal Pradesh Water Cess on Hydro Power Generation Rules, 2023.

This Market Assessment and Roadmap for Schools in Sierra Leone found that 45 percent of senior secondary schools and 85 percent of primary schools lack access to power.

This Market Assessment and Roadmap for Health Facilities in Sierra Leone found that 38 percent of health facilities in the country lack access to power. Those that have access to solar PV, community mini-grids, diesel generators, or the main grid also suffer from either insufficient power or unreliable power.

This publication, the 30th in the series, is an updated and integrated repository of statistics on energy resources and highlights the India’s commitment and the progress made so far in the area of reliable, sustainable and efficient energy systems in the country.

The Malaysia energy transition outlook provides a comprehensive, renewables-focused, long-term energy pathway for the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system in Malaysia. Malaysia is among the most highly developed states of the Southeast Asia region and a founding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
