NAVI MUMBAI: Officials of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) have collected samples of oil tar balls and other black oil traces seen on Pirwadi beach of Uran taluka in Raigad district.
Ghazipur, a 29-acre garbage dump on the fringes of Ghaziabad commissioned in 1985 for dumping daily solid waste from New Delhi has not only started affecting the health conditions of residents of G
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has informed the National Green Tribunal that it has issued a notification for identification and protection of wetlands which prohibit encroachments
A Kalakirti initiative, the sixth Goa Environmental Festival has organised a slew of environment-based activities in collaboration with various organisations for the three-day festival which commen
Ahmedabad: The Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC), Gujarat Pollution Control Board and the forests and environment department of the government of Gujarat jointly organized a public hearing on the st
The method being used for the 'revival', however, has irked environment activists. According to activists, the concretisation and laying down of the sheets will only aid in killing the lake.