The State of Madhya Pradesh became one of the leading States in the country to upgrade from BS-II to BS-III fuel. Indian Oil on behalf of the PSU Oil Industry launched the BS-III fuel in Madhya Pradesh on Monday in the presence of Urban Administration Minister Babulal Gaur and senior officials of IOCL.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Petroleum & Natural Gas deals with the action taken by the Government on the Recommendations contained in the Twenty-Fifth Report (Fourteenth Lok Sabha) of the Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas (2008-2009) on "Marketing, Supply, Distribution, Dealerships and Pricing of Kerosene and other Petroleum Products", which was presented to Lok Sabha on

New Delhi: State-run oilmarketing companies led the government up the garden path on the issue of green fuels by telling the oil ministry till the very end 2009 that they were ready to meet the April 1, 2010, deadline for introducing Euro-III petrol and diesel throughout the country

China said on Monday it will boost state reserves of refined fuels, its first official plan to expand beyond its crude reserves, and help cut high inventories held by oil companies.

The Indian auto industry has got stuck with obsolete engines. It needs a jump start

Global automakers have topped the charts but with products that would fail the green test in their own countries
