Our new data address the paradox of Late Ordovician glaciation under supposedly high pCO2 (8 to 22

The death knell was sounded only five years ago when environmentalists found that the vulture was vanishing faster than the dodo before its extinction.

KOLKATA, 16 JULY: While wildlife wing officials of the Forest Department are unsure of the status of threatened wildlife species, hundreds of rare birds are being sold at a fair, currently in progress at the Ramleela Maidan in Moulali (in SNS photo).

DEHRA DUN, JUNE 20: All those national and international tourists who come to Nainital, attracted by the enchanting beauty of Naini Lake, would be least aware of the fact that it is facing threat from some harmful species of fish.

As Haryana Forest Department Tries To Get Rid Of Predatory Fish, Sultanpur National Park Is Fighting For Survival

Walk down a Sultanpur National Park trail and the dead fish you see are a terrifying sight. Tread farther and you can

The ring-necked pheasant, an exotic bird, has become a major cause of headache for Kanpur zoo authorities. The zoo has bred such a large number of pheasants that they are being unable to handle pugnacious birds that keep fighting amongst themselves. The zoo director says that there are 78 pheasants and the number is far too large to handle.

Many large mammals became extinct worldwide at the end of the Pleistocene epoch, around 12,000 years ago. Here, it is shown that smaller mammals, which often provide much more comprehensive fossil records than large mammals, were much less likely to respond to the Pleistocene

Many models of climate-driven extinctions are criticised for being theoretical, but new hard data lends them weight.

Keeping in view the dwindling number of trees in the city, a proposal has been mooted for construction of a new garden. The garden will house those species whose numbers are either decreasing in the city or are already extinct. The garden, called Valley of Spring, is proposed to come up in Sector 53 over an area of 30 acres and is likely to cost Rs 5 crore.

Warming is held responsible for a rash of extinctions of global lizard populations.
