Four freighters, one already loaded with 107 containers of cargo for Singapore, have been bottled up in Thailand since small-scale fisherfolk blockaded Songkhla Bay. The fisherfolk are demanding

Illegal fishing threatens populations of the Patagonian toothfish in the Southern Ocean, challenging Australia s commitment to marine conservation

The nesting season of the Olive Ridley turtles at the Gahirmatha beach in Orissa begins in January and lasts till March. However, this year they have still not yet begun nesting. The beach is the

Fisherfolk are unintentionally killing seabirds

Various , United Nation (UN) agencies - United Nations' Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nation's Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nation's Industrial Development Programme (UNIDP) -

The world's largest rookery in Gahirmatha, Orissa, has not witnessed mass nesting of Olive Ridley Turtles for the last two years. The coast once again wafts for the turtle boards with the nesting

Olive Ridley sea turtles have been coming to the Gahirmatha coast in Orissa for thousands of years for mass nesting. But for two consecutive years now they have failed to nest here, though they have shown up

Illegal fishing activity near the shoreline is taking a major toll

Orissa chief minister J B Patnaik announced on May 22 that the Gahirmatha beach stretching up to Hukitola in Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary will soon be declared the "core area' where poaching

Of all things, sea turtles have become the substance of trade news these days. In March 1998, the US slapped a ban on the import of shrimp from India on the plea that trawlers which fish for
