In five years, the Karnataka government spent Rs 93.54 crore to check the quality of water under the National Rural Drinking Water programme.

ALLAHABAD: The district authorities have dispatched over 1,000 field testing kits and study materials to 20 blocks to check water quality in 1,425 villages.

This table by Central Groundwater Board shows state-wise districts with flluoride and arsenic contaminated groundwater (2013).

GUWAHATI: Groundwater in at least 15,979 habitations in Assam is contaminated with arsenic, fluoride and iron.

The humble tulsi plant, a ubiquitous presence in Indian homes, has found a unique application in the treatment of fluoride-contaminated water in Andhra Pradesh’s Nalgonda district.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has directed the state administration to take immediate corrective steps and submit an action taken report within six weeks after taking strong exception

Finance minister P Chidambaram batted for sustainable development repeatedly in his speech, marking the arrival of the phrase in mainstream political and economic lexicon.

The FM wants credit for acting on environment, but does the wrong things

The "mool mantra" of Budget 2013 is inclusive and sustainable development, says Finance Minister P Chidambaram. But, as far as the environment is concerned, there is no substance in the Budget that tells us how the direction of growth will be environmentally sound. Instead, the finance minister talks about the Cabinet Committee on Investment, which has been set up to fast-track clearances. There is no indication in his speech that this drive for investment will be cognisant of the needs for sustainability and will strengthen, not weaken, the regulatory system that governs green clearances.

Andhra Pradesh objects to Karnataka constructing the Paragodu barrage on a tributary of the Krishna river, but Karnataka denies violating any inter-State water-sharing agreement.

Jaipur: The higher level of fluoride content in water, causing dental and skeleton fluorosis, will be measured by fluoride ion meters in Jaipur. A state government report says that quality of water will further deteriorate with climate change.

The medical, health and family welfare department has purchased fluoride ion meter for door-to-door survey to test water, blood and urine to find out if the excessive exposure to high concentrations of fluoride causing dental and skeleton fluorosis among the people in Jaipur and 15 other districts of the state.
