Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sanjay Kumar Vs Union of India & Others dated 16/02/2022.

Grievance in the application is against illegal mining by M/s Nimawat Granite Private Limited at plot No. 03, tehsil Narnaul, district Mahendragarh and extraction of ground water, without requisite permission.

A status report in compliance to the National Green Tribunal order, Southern Zone, Chennai, December 09, 2021 in original application 167 of 2021 by Water Resources Department, Ground Water Circle, Tharamani, Chennai.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mahakar Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 06/01/2022. Issue for consideration is the remedial action against illegal cutting of trees, extraction of groundwater and construction without Environmental Clearance (EC) for the project of Wave City at Ghaziabad and High-Tech City at NOIDA by the project proponent (PP) M/s Uppal Chadha Hi Tech Developers Pvt. Ltd.

The matter was considered by the NGT in the last two years and the court had passed orders with respect to it.

The atlas "Dynamic Ground Water Resources of River Basins of India" is an attempt at compiling relevant information on the status of dynamic ground water resources for all the river basins of India.

Central Ground Water Board, West Central Region, has been issuing Ground Water Year Book annually for Gujarat state by compiling the hydrogeological, hydrochemical and groundwater level data collected from the Groundwater Monitoring Wells established by the Board in Gujarat State.

This book presents 28 real-life examples of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) from around the world, where, at village to state level, people have collaborated to improve quantity and quality of water supplies and buffer them against drought and emergencies.

Barely anywhere in the world does water have more value as an economic asset and for social development than in the Horn of Africa. According to most definitions, Somalia is classified as a water scarce country.

Safe and clean water supply for domestic as well as for sustainable supply for irrigation and industrial requirement is toughest challenge due to rapidly declining ground water resources in major part of the state. Monitoring of water level plays important role for effective estimation of ground water resources.

Status report by the Superintending Engineer, Water Resources Department, Tiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu in the matter of rice mills functioning in over exploited, critical and semi critical categories.

Rejoinder in Original Application No. 21 of 2021 (SZ) in the matter of Dr. Anupkrishnan V Vs Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, 23/10/2021.

Rejoinder filed by Dr. Anupkrishnan V to common counter affidavit of respondent 4 and 5 ( M/s Prestige Estates Projects Ltd. and M/s Prestige Estates Projects Ltd, Chennai). The matter related to the alleged violation of environmental clearance (EC) in the construction of Prestige Bella Vista.  
