JAMNAGAR is one of three cities in Gujarat which boasts of a large lake: the Ranmal lake. Once the pride of the residents of this historic city, also known as the Paris of Saurashtra, the lake has

A suo moto notice regarding pollution in Bajwa township has been issued by a two-member bench of the Gujrat high court comprising Justice J R Vora and Justice S D Dave to the Gujrat State Fertiliser

MORE than 2,229 lakh trees in 40 coastal villages of four tehsils of Kutch district were totally destroyed during the cyclone which which swept across Gujarat in July this year. More than 7,000

At a Gujarat chemicals factory, workers have holes in their noses. Apathy of the owner is to blame

The easing of the supply position of firewood in

While energy consumption surveys have shown a very high level of firewood consumption, various forest departments have shown very low levels of legal firewood production. A survey carried out by the National Council of Applied Economic Research has thrown

The US has plans to continue sending ships to the ship breaking units in India. This decision has brought mixed news for nearly 45,000

left in the lurch: Enron Corp has withdrawn its plan to set up a US $ 6 billion hydroelectric-power project in Nepal. With this, the company's grand plan has been stalled for South Asia. Enron's

A couple decided to give up the city life and experiment with a sustainable, agrarian lifestyle. Their efforts are bearing fruit after 15 years of toil

The Sanghi jetty case takes a new turn as the Gujarat high court directs the Union government to re examine the issue of environment clearance
